Generate Release-Notes from GitHub and TargetProcess

10 August 2016   Comments   github targetprocess

Recently we moved to a continuous delivery model on two of our major products, and as an essential part of that I had to think of a way of automatically generating release notes from the work developers continually put in (via pull-requests).

We use Target Process as the requirements management/issue tracking tool and such automation would have to be built in conjunction with that.

So I wrote this powershell script to:

  • Look into commits messages on GitHub and work-out what pull-requests have been merged since the last live deployment. Note that by using GitFlow, master branch always refer to the current state of the live system, so our comparison is always between a head (it be develop, or a hotfix-* or release-*) and master.
  • Use GitHub API to pull-down description field of all those pull-requests.
  • Using regex, find all links to a target process entity. We have an internal standard that each developer puts a link to the work they have completed on each pull-request.
  • Use TargetProcess API to pull down information about each item.
  • Generate a release note by listing Features and Bugs as listed in the last step.
  • Generate a release info .json file to hold most of this info in a structured format for future purposes.
  • Set a TeamCity variable (if in TeamCity mode) for CI purposes.

The following parameters are required to call this script:

  • git_url: url to the git repository. – i.e.
  • github_token: a GitHub access token with read access to the repository.
  • tp_domain: TargetProcess domain
  • tp_username: TargetProcess username
  • tp_password: TargetProcess password

At the time of writing this post, TargetProcess does not support any type of authentication other than Basic, hence the need to pass-in the password.

  [string]$github_base = "master",
  [string]$github_head = "develop",
  [string]$version_build = "0",

# consts
$regex_git_url = "https?:\/\/\/(?<owner>[\w\.]+)\/(?<repo>[\w\.]+)\.git"
$regex_pr_commit = "Merge pull request #(?<number>\d+)"
$regex_tp_entity = "https://$<number>\d+)"

# prep
$git_url -match $regex_git_url | Out-Null
$github_owner = $Matches.owner
$github_repo = $Matches.repo
$version_number = (Get-Content .\.version).Trim()

Write-Host "Using github owner... $github_owner"
Write-Host "Using github repo... $github_repo"
Write-Host "Using version number... $version_number"

# GitHub
# ---------------------------------------------------------

function Request-GitHub($path) {
    $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "token $github_token" }
    return Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$path" -Headers $headers

function Get-GitHubCommits($base, $head)
    return Request-GitHub "/repos/$github_owner/$github_repo/compare/$base...$head"

function Get-GitHubPRs($term) {
    return Request-GitHub "/search/issues?q=is:pr+repo:$github_owner/$github_repo+$term"

# Target process
# ---------------------------------------------------------
function Request-TargetProcess($path) {
    $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($tp_username):$($tp_password)"))
    $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Basic $base64AuthInfo"; "Accept" = "application/json" }
    try {
        return Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://$$path" -Headers $headers
    catch { return $null }

function Get-TargetProcessEntity($col, $id) {
    return Request-TargetProcess "/$col/$id"

function BatchGet-TargetProcessEntities($ids)
    return $ids | ForEach-Object {
        $res = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ Id = $_ };
	    $getters = @(
		    @{ Collection = "UserStories"; Type = "UserStory" },
		    @{ Collection = "Bugs"; Type = "Bug" },
		    @{ Collection = "Features"; Type = "Feature" }

	    foreach($g in $getters) {
		    $e = Get-TargetProcessEntity $g.Collection $_
		    if(-not $e) { continue }
            if($ids -contains $e.UserStory.Id -or $ids -contains $e.Feature.Id) {
                Write-Host "Found $($e.ResourceType) with Id=$($e.Id) BUT it's parent is already in the list."
                return $null

            Write-Host "Found $($e.ResourceType) with Id=$($e.Id)"
            return $e
        Write-Host "Could not find target process entity with id=$($res.Id)"
        return $res

# Main
# ---------------------------------------------------------
function List-PullRequests()
    return (Get-GitHubCommits $github_base  $github_head).commits | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression={$}; Ascending=$false} -Descending | Where-Object {
        $_.commit.message -match $regex_pr_commit
    } | ForEach-Object {
        $_.commit.message -match $regex_pr_commit | Out-Null
        return $Matches.number

function Retrieve-TargetProcessEntities($nums)
    # slice into chunks -- becaues of github search length limit
    $numlists = @()
    $nums | ForEach-Object {
        $li = $numlists.Length - 1
        $l = $numlists[$li]
        if($l -eq $null-or $l.Length -gt 200) { $numlists += $_ }
        else { $numlists[$li] += "+$_" }

    # search github for each batch
    return $numlists | % {
        Write-Host "Fetching PRs batch..."
        return (Get-GitHubPRs $_).items | select number, body
    } | Where-Object {
        # Make sure there are no false positives by checking PR number is present in the original list
        $nums -contains $_.number
    } | % {
        $_.body | Select-String -Pattern $regex_tp_entity -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches } | ForEach-Object { $_.Groups[1].Value }
    } | Sort-Object { $_ } | select -Unique

function Generate-Notes($tp_entities)
    $groups = $tp_entities | Group-Object -Property ResourceType
    $out = "## Release Notes - $version_number (build #$version_build)

    if($groups.Count -lt 1)
        $out += "Well... nothing really."
        return $out

    foreach($g in $groups)
        $gStr = $g.Group | % { "- #$($_.Id): $(if(-not $_.Name){ "Unknown" } else { $_.Name })" } | Out-String
        $out += "### $(if(-not $g.Name){ "Unknown" } else { $g.Name })


    return $out

function Main()
    Write-Host "Reading PRs from GitHub..."
    $pr_list = List-PullRequests
    Write-Host "$($pr_list.Count) PRs found."

    Write-Host "Retrieving Target-Process entities from GitHub..."
    $tp_entity_ids = Retrieve-TargetProcessEntities $pr_list
    Write-Host "$($tp_entity_ids.Count) TP Entities found."

    Write-Host "Fetching Target-Process entities"
    $tp_entities = BatchGet-TargetProcessEntities $tp_entity_ids | ? { $_ }

    Write-host "Generating notes..."
    $releaseNotes = Generate-Notes $tp_entities

    Write-host "Writing output... Length=$($releaseNotes.Length)"
    $releaseNotesPath = "$((Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName)\bin\artefacts\release-notes.txt"
    New-Item -Force -Path $releaseNotesPath -ItemType File -Value $releaseNotes | Out-Null
    Write-Host "Output was witten to: $releaseNotesPath"

    Write-Host "Writing release notes json file"
    $releaseNotesInfo = @{
        Version = $version_number
        BuildNumber = $version_build
        PullRequests = $pr_list
        TargetProcessEntities = ($tp_entities | select Id, Name, ResourceType)
    $targetProcessIdsPath = "$((Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName)\bin\artefacts\release-info.json"
    $releaseNotesInfo | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -Force -FilePath $targetProcessIdsPath
    Write-Host "Output was witten to: $targetProcessIdsPath"

    # set teamcity variable
    if(Test-Path env:\TEAMCITY_VERSION)
        Write-Host "##teamcity[setParameter name='releaseNotesPath' value='$releaseNotesPath']"


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