Allow redirect URI subdomains in IdentityServer3

09 July 2015   Comments   identityserver openid security

IdentityServer3 is an awesome library that allows you to build [in no time] an single sign-on server using .NET and OWIN/Katana.

When client applications send a user to the server, they must provide a redirect_uri as a parameter which is used to send the user back to the application with the token.

One of the security measures build into IdentityServer is restricting the list of URIs allowed (for each client).

var client = new Client
    ClientName = "JS Client",
    ClientId = "implicitclient",
    RedirectUris = new []

The default behavior of IdentityServer is to do an exact match on these (case insensitive).

But what if we have [an unpredictable list of] subdomains in our app? Exact matches won’t work in this case.

What we wish here is to have this:

    RedirectUris = new []

Luckily IdentityServer3 have support for overriding the default validator, and what we need to do is to write one that does match using wildcards (as suggested above):

public class WildcardRedirectUriValidator : DefaultRedirectUriValidator
    public override Task<bool> IsRedirectUriValidAsync(string requestedUri, Client client)
        return MatchUriAsync(requestedUri, client.RedirectUris);

    public override Task<bool> IsPostLogoutRedirectUriValidAsync(string requestedUri, Client client)
        return MatchUriAsync(requestedUri, client.PostLogoutRedirectUris);

    private Task<bool> MatchUriAsync(string requestedUri, List<string> allowedUris)
        var rules = allowedUris.Select(ConvertToRegex).ToList();
        var res = rules.Any(r => Regex.IsMatch(uri, r, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));
        return Task.FromResult(res);

    private const string WildcardCharacter = @"[a-zA-Z0-9\-]";

    private static string ConvertToRegex(string rule)
        if (rule == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rule));

        return Regex.Escape(rule)
                    .Replace(@"\*", WildcardCharacter + "*")
                    .Replace(@"\?", WildcardCharacter);

Above code defines a new validator class that inherits the default validator and only overrides the URI matching methods.

The new matcher converts the pattern URI to a regular expression by replacing * with [a-zA-Z0-9\-]+ (on or more characters) and ? with [a-zA-Z0-9\-] (You can choose a different set of characters to match) and then match it against the URI.

Note that here we also change validation of PostLogoutRedirectUri which is another parameter used for logout process. (see documentation).

Finally you would need to configure this validator when setting up your identity server.

public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
    var options = new IdentityServerOptions
        Factory = new IdentityServerServiceFactory
            RedirectUriValidator = new Registration<IRedirectUriValidator>(typeof(WildcardRedirectUriValidator));


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